"Well fuck... Don't scare me like that!" Nate's heart had nearly exploded out of his body. If that were really a thing he'd have been screwed. "But fine... You do that... I'm gonna go change too and maybe head home." He said with a slight shrug and chuckle. "But you know I could always run you back." The speedster added as he walked by her, his upper body now bare, already out of the top half of his suit. ----------------------------------- Rachel laughed a bit and shook her head. "I'm positive you won't do any real damage Kat. Just relax. Let loose a little. Against me, you can actually have a little fun." She said calmly as she pet the large liger. "Okay?" ----------------------------------- Jason was quiet for a moment. Matt was right. "But... I think it's about more than just setting everything aside to work together." He said calmly. "We need to be able to understand each other, not just as team members, but as friends. We need to understand that we all have our own problems and worries and responsibilities." He sighed. Maybe he was overthinking it. No... That was definitely important. "I mean look at me. I'm a prince of Atlantis. If something comes up regarding the ocean or the kingdom I'll need to let things be heard." He stopped again. "We're not just pieces of a puzzle that can fall into place properly." He finished for a moment. "Though you do make things easier for Robin with the way you handle things." He chuckled a bit.