Arielle could see it in front of her, the poor Argonian turned to mush under the weight of the sledgehammer held by the lumbering hulk of a nord. She should have done something, helped in some way, but what could she do? Her supply of magicka was all but empty, but even if it was not she did not know any suitable spells. There was always the option of throwing herself in between, trying to deflect the blow with her staff, but chances were good that the giant would smash right through her guard and kill them both. She covered her eyes when he raised the weapon, not wanting to witness the carnage that would follow. But instead of a loud crash and splat there was only a silent thud. And then another. "Glurgh" said the bandit chief, and Arielle dared a glance. He still held the hammer high, but his grip wavered. There were arrows sticking out of the back of his head. To her horror, the Breton could see the point of one of them sticking out through his mouth, glistening red. Magnor dropped the hammer behind him and took a fumbling step backwards, trying and failing to close his mouth with the arrow in the way, and then tripped over his own weapon. Arielle watched him fall and it seemed to take ages. Then, with a thundering crash and a wet splash, he hit the ground. She stared at the scene with disbelief in her eyes but soon came to her senses. The Argonian was still on his back, struggling to get up. Arielle ran over to him, preparing a healing hands spell with the extra magicka in her enchanted ring. [color=fff200]Are you hurt?[/color] she asked, [color=fff200]How can I help you?[/color]