Real Name: Anastasia Tepes Superhero Alias: None yet Gender: Female Age: 18 [hider=background] Daughter of a powerfull vampire by the name of Alucard Tepes and the human Elisabeth Gladstone. She grew up in the castle of her father which was situated in England. Here her father trained her to become his successor. To his dismay he discovered that she did not inheret all of his vampiric skills. She made up for this however by being very determined to make her father proud. She was completly isolated from the rest of the world and her training was harsh, sometimes leaving her on the brink of death. She overcame these obstacles however and continued to become stronger. The older she got the more curious she became of the world around her. Her father however didnt allow her to either visit her mother or leave the castle. She was eventually allowed to own some objects from the outside world. One of her favorite things from the outside was music, especially metal. It helped her in her training and it became her favorite way to spend her free time. That and anything considered geeky in the outside world. But eventhough she would get any object she desired from her father, there was always one thing she wanted more then anything and that was a real friend. She was always so lonely and has actually never met anyone who doesnt work for her father. Now she has recieved a letter from the Herculean Academy and she was very excited to hear that her father allowed her to join this new school. What she doesnt know is that her father planned to have her join this school just to see how Anastasia would perform against other superpowered beings. But Anastasia doesnt care for that, all she cares for is to be amoung other people who are around her age and she hopes that she can finally make some friends. [/hider] [hider=appearance] [hider=Image] [img] [/img] [/hider] Anastasia is 6’3 and has an athletic physique. Being a vampire she has the trademark vampire fangs. She also has very long hair which is so light blonde it nearly seems white and has blood red eyes with slit pupils. [/hider] [hider=presonality] (Everything written here is how the character is BEFORE the RP begins. Things might change the more the RP progresses and the character grows.) She was locked up from birth in a castle and trained to be the successor of one of the greatest vampire lords who ever lived… Ofcourse she is proud of this but she is also very afraid of disappointing her father. Since she never left the castle before now she is very curious about the outside world to the point of naivity. She is very cheerfull for someone with a history like her and tries to be kind and gentle to everyone. However, when she is pushed her vampire instinct will take over and she will not listen to reason. She becomes very unpredictable and sadistic in this state. This will only happen when extremly pushed however, like when her friends or loved ones are being treatened. [/hider] [hider=powers, skills and weaknesses] [hider=powers] Anastasia is a vampire born from one of the strongest vampires who ever lived. However due to her mother being a “mere” human she does not have all the powers which are inherent to being a vampire. She is much stronger, tougher, faster and agile then a human and she has hightened senses, making her able to see, smell, hear and taste things others would not be able to. But that isnt to say that she is rediculously strong or fast. She is not able to lift a car or break the sound barrier for instance. Some of the powers she is missing due to her human genes are the ability to transform, hypnotise people, turn other people into vampires/ghouls or fly. She can however jump very high and survive a fall from a building without a scratch. [/hider] [hider=skills] From her birth Anastasia has been trained by her father in many forms of combat. She is trained in several martial arts and enjoys hunting, her definition of hunting might be different then yours though. She is also trained in etiquete but she preffers to just be herself. Her other interests are in almost all stuff considered geeky. She is hopeless in cooking and keeping things tidy however. [/hider] [hider=weaknesses] She ofcourse has the basic vampire weaknesses: Silver, holy water, garlic, holy symbols, stake through the heart, decapitation… All would kill or gravely injure her. She is however not killed by sunlight. Instead she is only weakened during daylight hours, though not at midday (at which time of day she becomes stronger). She is a vampire and that means she requires blood to keep her up to full strength. Donor blood is enough to keep her at full strength but she is very tempted by the sweet aroma of fresh human blood. She has next to no experience with interacting with people. This makes her unable to easily communicate with other people. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Themesong once she's pissed] [youtube][/youtube] [/hider]