Name: Ahab Age: 24 Presonality: Quiet, serious and sntimidating, which puts him at odds with most of the crew. He is aimless and doesn't have dream of his own choosing instead to follow others. Bio: Alone for most of his life, Ahab taught himself how to survive. He found he was very skilled with a blade in his late teens, and its the only thing he's ever had a passion for. Even with his sword skill he had no purpose in his life, and he continued drifting from place to place. One day he managed to anger the wrong people and got into a fight and it was there where he met the Captain. Impressed with his skill he was invited to join the crew and he accepted without a second thought. He came to island simply because that was the captain's wish. [hider=Ahab] [img][/img] [/hider]