[center][hider=Clarisse][IMG]http://i1091.photobucket.com/albums/i384/LugiaFan009/mermaid5F5Fby5Fmoni158-d36xddf_zps4d86d9f0.png[/IMG][/hider] [b]Name[/b] Clarisse [b]Age[/b] 20 [b]Personality [/b] Clarisse is kind hearted and very friendly. She has a bit of a bubbly personality and can act a bit childish at times. Although she doesn't look it she can be a little trouble maker and poke her nose into something where it shouldn't be. She's loyal and protective to those of the island and her own kind or anyone that is close to her. She sort of motherly towards others and a sense of responsibility about things. [b] Powers[/b] Like any mermaid she can turn into a human, but only when she is dry if she gets an ounce of water on her she will revert back into a mermaid. Other than that she has healing abilities. [b]Bio[/b] (TBR)[/center]