[center][h3]Random Little Collab Story between me and Song Book[/h3] [b][i]Somewhere in the Ryukyu-Algongun-Lastar Bay[/i][/b][/center] Hitato Kanzaki lived a simple life for someone of his age. He was already in his late teens, by Ryukyuan standards he should have begun courtship or at least look for a prospective bride. IN all fairness, he was meeting with the girl he often saw in the local tea house, but he loved the sea too much. He live on an old Black Armored Nanban, a ship used by the Ryukyuan Navy's pirate mercenary fleet, the Black Wings of Cold. While not the largest, or most orthodox fishing ship for that matter, the fact it was meant for 5 people made it quite roomy for one person. The sun hung a good bit over the horizon as he pulled up the stone anchor, he thought of when he should get back to port. He had enough food for at least a week and enough room in the hull for more fish. He thought of getting some pearl diver aboard his ship. Of course, those thoughts transcend into him becoming a wealth baron with a wealth made of fishing. As he laughed to himself on the deck of the ship, he realized there was something bumping the side of his boat. CUrious, he looked over and saw a mess of fancy fabric. Hitato's eyes widened as he realizes the possible wealth made by the expensive (if not wet) fabrics. WIth a blink of an eye, he ran to grab his net and tossed it over, hoping to catch the mess of textiles. Egearly pulling up his strangely heavy net, a pair of dead eyes soon met him. He screamed as he realized it was a dead body. A merchant vessel, one of the Algongun's resident merchants going out to trade some silk and sliver most likely. It was quiet a small vessel. Enough for a 2 man crew, the merchant and the caption of the vessel. The merchant listened closely on the wind hearing the screams of a young man. Having the captain steer torwards the sound. Spying a fishing net wrapped around fancy cloth he knew what happened and pulled closer to the mans ship. " Caught yourself a fancy one huh?" He joked leaning aginst the side of his ship. "Wh-wh-why the hell is there a corspe in the damn ocean?" Hitato nervously pointed at the pale body in fancy fabric that he originally wanted to sell. " He was a suitor to my queen I assume. They dispose of bodies, well in the rive. Looks like this one lost his rocks. " The man laughed again. " They test the ones they don't like to much, Dumping them in the river with rocks in their clothes. See if they float. Never seen one that has. " The man looked at the suitor. Hitato stared at the merchant, "Are all women in Algongun like that? Since if so, remind me to never get a wife from there. I can swim, but I prefer Ryukyu's courting process. Especially the part where you're not dumped into a river to see if you can float." " Only If you get them mad. The queen always dumps suitors who she doesn't like in the river. My bride there likes whacking me with a stick sometimes. But then im drunk and she has a reason." He laughed again, Pulling a flash from his front pocket shaking it up before taking a swig. " The girls there are beautiful though. " "Sounds more like demostic abuse than love if you ask me." Hitato was divided between being worried and being amused. He was making a mental note to never go anywhere near an Algonguan woman at this rate. "Say, what kind of man does your queen like anyways?" Hitato quickly chagned the subject before any more tales of getting thrown into the river was spoken of. "The Emperor is still unmarried and apparntly he going to be celibant at this rate!" Hitato laughed to himself, as he leaned back on to the corpse which nearly made him jump into the merchant's arms. " Lucky for me, ive found plenty of these guys to know what she doesn't like. People with big ego's gets thrown into the river as soon as they arrive. I live in a girl dominit society. I also think she's more interested in her newest advisor than any Emperor. " he laughed at Hitato's reaction to the corpse." Name's Dukara Malgatisa. You?" "Hitato Kanzaki." the fisherman opened the small door that lead into his ship, "Care to join me for some food? Home-style Ryukyuan cooking. Well, sea-style cooking I guess." " I would man but if im not home for food ill get a head-ful from the wife. Feel free to come to the port anytime. I have a stall over there. " He waved before jumping back into his own ship signaling the caption to start heading home. Hitato waved good bye and as soon as the ship was out of veiw range, he stripped the body of the suitor. It should have something worth while on it. "Its just a fish, its just a fish Hitato, its just a fish." Hitato repeated to himself as he touched the corpse. At the end of it he managed to strip off most of the fancy clothing expect for the man's fancy loincloth. The rings and jewelry should also make for a good profit. As he kicked the body off the deck and turned to port, he felt nauseous for the first time in a long time.