Here's my third dragon that I want to add in. [hr] CS [b]Name:[/b] Ayanami - The Weather Dragon [img][/img] [b]Skills:[/b] Ayanami has a very unique body structure. Her head itself is quite small, though it is adorned with massive golden horns, flanked by tendrils of flesh. Ayanami's body is largely pale white in colour, and covered entirely in fins that stretch along all four limbs. From its back rise more pointed fins, whereas its underside is grey and scaled. Because it flies through the air and spends no time on land, thanks to her ability to levitate due to the weather, Ayanami has almost vestigial feet and small, nearly useless back legs. The front legs are bordered by more white fins. [b]Magical Abilities:[/b] Ayanami is known as The Weather Dragon for good reason. She has the ability to control weather, usually producing storms, ranging from rain, thunder, lightning, snow, hail, and even acid rain depending on where she is. She can also start hurricanes, tornadoes, cyclones and cause horrendous flooding. While being the one to start storms, she can also disperse them with ease, allowing complete control of her local forecast. Many of these patterns depend on her mood, storms being when she is angry or stressed, and clear skies when calm. She can also produce violent gusts of wind at her opponent, some producing dangerous mini-twisters which can result in tornados! In addition, she can also fire blast of highly powerful concentrated blasts of water jets, which is able to cut through rock. [b]Backstory:[/b] Born 100,000 years ago, long before the great Corruption War, Ayanami is indeed an ancient dragon. She was part of an extinct species of dragons in which she was the last of her kind. Or so she thinks anyways. She discovered her powers early, some 10,000 years, after producing an usually powerful sneeze, in which it was strong enough to cause a small tornado to ripple through a forest. Over time, she gradually discovered more of her powers and occurred to her that she was a dragon with a gifted power. The power... to control the weather! Yet Ayanami wasn't the only one to notice her own importance. People from various villages, far and wide, discovered her newfound powers and thought that they can be used to benefit their kind greatly. So the people decided to make a beautiful shrine dedicated to the magnificent Ayanami in the Highwall Peaks, despite the Weather Dragon usually residing anywhere up in the sky. After the shrine was finished, the dragon came to visit it and took an instant liking to it. Both the humans and Ayanami then made an agreement for the dragon to help the humans water their crops in times of drought, or to clear the clouds that rain down devastating floods, and in return they will give her valuable gifts and protect her from harm. From then on, both the humans and dragon had a strong alliance between each other and prospered from one another. During the Great Corruption War, Ayanami usually resided in her cave, as she didn't want to get involved with the chaos going about. She had been attacked several times before, all in which she won, but with every attack she became more isolated from the world outside. Ayanami then rarely helped the people with what they were dealing with, resulting in the failure of crops and leaving massive floods unchecked. The people begged and prayed all they could, until they could no longer breathe, but only in very rare circumstances had she agreed to help them with their needs. It was only after the War had Ayanami became more social and helpful to the humans outside, though her demands had risen substantially. [b]Holdings:[/b] The Shrine of Highwall Peaks [b]Current location:[/b] High in the clouds [b]Allegiance:[/b] Neutral Independence [b]Personality:[/b] Ayanami is usually peaceful, wise, and calm during times of peace. However she can be quite stubborn when it comes to helping others as of current, requiring great gifts, usually being gold, rare jewels, and even sacrificed livestock in order for her to consider helping you. She is also very cautious of her surroundings. When angry, she can be incredibly hard to stop as storms will rage around her for as long as she is. Only once she begins losing steam can you ever have the chance in calming her down. [b]In honor of Rylarth.[/b]