Quantum had spent the last few weeks doing little but exercising, training and drinking, as usual. He kept himself away from the others and had avoided talking to anyone these last few weeks. It was not because he didn't like the others, but because he felt no need to. He didn't like what he had done during the training exercise. How he had gone tunnel visioned and acted without thinking about his team. Had it been a warzone that is what would have gotten his team killed. While he had yet to get to know the Outsiders like he had known his Unit he still couldn't risk someone's life simply because he couldn't control his temper. He had spent the morning cleaning his gun and making sure it was in prime condition. He had spent some time working on new tricks for his powers on how to use it in smaller amounts and in synergy with his pistol. Tricks that would come in handy in today's mission, no doubt. Marcus had gotten onto the cruiser that had been fixed up by Twilight, it now looked quite all right. He sat in the middle row of the seats in the cruiser not really thinking about the mission, he was instead reviewing every scene of one of his favorite movies, The Departed. While drinking the bottle of Jack Daniels he had in his hand. His hair was a mess and his stubble had gotten into a rough beard over the weeks he had isolated himself from the others. His face had dried blood on it and was overall rather dirty. His eyes were sunk in and had dark lines under them both from him being hungover and from him being tired. Had his S.O seen him he would've compared Marcus' appearance to hammered crap. He himself did not mind how he looked, he had other priorities. As he finished his thoughts about the movie he put his attention to Fenrir whom was not talking, asking if they had any questions. One of the new recruits Marcus had yet to learn the name off asked questions, and Marcus added to them. "Do we in all honesty even have a plan? Teamwork ain't our strong suit." Marcus mentioned, knowing full well the hypocrisy of what he had said given his previous actions in the team.