[hider=Zvezdan] [img]http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs26/f/2008/043/4/6/Merman_by_Chenj27.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Zvezdan Age: 23 Personality: He is a practical guy, this often translate in him not holding grunges for long and forgiving easily if he finds it worthy. Enjoying to work and do simply daily task. Routine is a well friend of his. He enjoys nice company and one can find him discussing topics away and enjoying the night breeze.He tends to be someone who protect the mermaids from harm, fearing they would get in harms way too easily thanks to their curiosity. Not being found of change, when change happens he is mistrusting and looks at it as a bad thing until proven wrong. Powers: He has a light form of singing magic, when he sing he can place the one who hears him in a pleasant day dreaming state. Thought it can be easily broken if the person is on guard for it, or being distracted by someone else, snapping them out. He can turn to have legs and walk but he dislike being out of the water that it borders to being a fear. Bio: TBR ------------------ [hider=Fotis] [img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/070/f/d/minotaur_archer_by_el_grimlock-d4setaw.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Fotis Age: 44 Personality: A trader at heart, he likes exploring and finding unusually things that get washed up on the shore. He is friendly and enjoys to be around nearly everyone, minus the elves. It takes him a lot of self control to not act on any nasty racist comment they give from themselves, when they ways do cross. He loves to have fun times with the merfolk and hear the tales of the deep sea creates they meet. Trading trinkets and food with them. He appear stoic and cold at first moment but he is quite the hug able persona. Well at least if you do not behave hostile towards his friends or him. He can turn in a flip of a eye blink to a brutal and blood seeking beast trying to bring pain to the one who provoke him. But as mentioned he has a lot of self control and will give a warning. Powers: Nothing too special great strength even greater when fulled with rage and anger. Is actually good with the bow and would try to keep range so he wouldnt end up in blind rage if he fights close combat. Bio: TBR