[img]http://wallpaperswa.com/thumbnails/detail/20121129/mage%20deviantart%20anime%201600x900%20wallpaper_wallpaperswa.com_52.jpg[/img] Name - Elarinasa Mormont Age - 17 Personality - Very much a very brutally honest speaker who won't hold back to tell you what's wrong with you, however she tells such in such a calm way it's hard to know if she's actually angry or not Bio - Born into a very powerful family of Magi they were servants to a small village leader, Elarinasa was raised to become a magi like them using the art of fire, until when they got to the teachings of Atom Seperation Elarinasa was a born performer in the arts; after discovering such they sent her off to Gedonelune Academy to practice her arts. Ability - Atom Seperation, the power to seperate material in the universe to form into barriers; a powerful magic with a powerful drawback in the form of a hard mental impact if used for too long. Familiar A large Boar would follow her around Status Prefect Specialty Earth Magic What Does Magic Mean To You "Magic is simply not a toy to play with, my magic is a very dangerous one to hold so playing about is -not- a very good idea" Buddy Alice