Approaching the large empty grain silo Iris looked at the decomposing outside, running her hand along the exterior she felt the chipping paint crumble against her fingertips. Soon they met with the ladder to get inside. [i]”Let’s hope she’s open.”[/i] Iris mentioned to Len and Kara, giving a cheeky grin. She looked liked a wet dog, but the shower had been long overdue. Gripping to the slippery metal ladder, Iris began quickly ascending. Losing her footing when she was a bit more than half way- she let out a sharp gasp before flinging her petite body to the cold metal, holding on for dear life. [i]”Fuck!”[/i] she muttered, gathering herself before continuing her climb. As she reached the door and tried the handle. It was unlocked. Looking down to Len and Kara Iris gave a thumbs up to indicate she was okay and that it was safe to climb up. Pushing open the door Iris was greeted with an unpleasant sight- the silo was empty. The group could not use the grain as a layer of protection and more room to walk, but the few feet of inner ring of railing and landing would be enough for the night. Len grunted in reply as Iris mentioned hoping the door was open. He expected it to be, but if not...hell, he could always [i]make[/i] an entrance if need be. He gave Kara a quick glance, before following Iris inside, wondering what sight would await them. He’d seen some...interesting things in abandoned buildings. Some quite grisly. He watched as Iris started climbing the wet ladder. [b] “Hey there now, you be a-care--”[/b] he hadn’t even finished the sentence when she lost her grip. Eyes wide, he dashed forward as though to catch her should she fall, but she somehow managed to stay on the ladder. Letting out a deep sigh of relief. [b] “Don’t go breakin’ yer neck now, ya hear?” [/b] he hollered up as Iris began to climb once more. Turning to Kara, he said [b] “Awright, let’s get a climbin’ and try not to fall, eh?”[/b] With that, he took hold of the rungs. He was wondering if he’d lose his grip around the same place Iris did, but he made it up without incident. He glanced around, noting the emptiness of the area. [b] “Well, ain’t this a son of a bitch,” [/b] he spoke, crossing his arms. [b] “Well, leas’ the worms might not be smellin’ us as good up here. I hope.”[/b]