Cool! Here's my list of relations with the other people, now that there are a good number of them. Relationships: (For Morgan the majority of how she met others would be through school, or through the fact that her mother is essentially the weird with of the town and would probably garner some interest) Kato: Sees him as something akin to a big puppy, in more of a fond way than a condescending way. Though she doesn't really feel the need to be protected, she's not stupid enough to not recognise the perks of having a big tough guy as an ally. Plus she also thinks he's a huge sweetie, and doesn't mind the sensitivity and touchy-feely business too much. Elena: Elena is truly amusing to her, what with the vivacious attitude and the insane fan club, she seems like a strange cartoon character to Morgan. Of course, she knows there's a little more to her than all that, but for now she'll provide more entertainment than anything else. Morgan was one of the few people that didn't swoon over her, and will have no part in her fan club. Catherine: Knowing what she does about how rough it can be to be a 14 year old girl, even if she doesn't know much about her, Morgan feels somewhat protective over Cat. That and she thinks her cat is adorable, though not as pretty as her own. Cat bias, such a pity. Eren: (gonna use they/them pronouns, if you'd prefer I just use E I can change it) She likes them, and thinks they're one of the more quietly interesting people she's met. While they're very opposite sides, they almost seem to be similar to each other. She thinks that they should probably calm down a little, maybe smoke some pot or something for once in their life, but that they're a cool person all in all. Mason: Morgan finds him honestly pretty creepy. The whole incident with the bullies was understandable, if she'd ever been bullied she suspects she'd flip her lid also. She doesn't hugely like that he looks into her business, but really, she's kind of used to it. Being the weird (but hot) witch girl has that effect. She's open to people, though. If she ever had the chance to know him better she wouldn't shy away from it just because he's kind of eerie.