Nation Name: Assyrian Empire Nation Flag: [img][/img] Nation Motto: "We Fight To Destroy those Who Oppose our Just Empire" Nation Demographics: [hider=My Hider] Race: 80% Assyrian, 5%Armenian, 15% Arabian Religious: 30% Orthodox, 30% Catholic, 10% Other Christians, 30% Muslim (Mostly in the southern part) [/hider] Nation Leader Name: Ashur Toma Type of Government: Absolute Monarchy Land Owned (Black is UK, Red is me): [img][/img] Diplomacy (Is Peace or War Preferred): War was once preferred, but in the modern age, both are used. Militaristic Description (How is yo army fool): The Assyrian Army is a well trained task force making up a large minority of the population between 18 - 25. This is because any Assyrian citizen must serve in the army from 18 to 20, and if they do good enough on a test, they must serve from 20 to 25. The Assyrians prefer ground and air combat over everything, only using sea combat when needed. The Planes are advanced, but the amount of planes they have compared to other larger nations is very low. With only about 5000 high class planes, with the rest being older models. History: It stays the same until the Babylonian Revolution, in which the Assyrian armies crush it and put down any sense of independence. After this event, the Assyrians start another age of expansion, as they take the borders they now have today (Except for Cyprus). The Assyrians stay a power in the region, this is shown in the Greco-Assyrian war, in which the Assyrians fight a long war against the forces of Alexander the great, and eventually, the war ends in an Assyrian victory, with the Assyrians taking all of Eastern Turkey. Alexander the Great forges an alliance with those who managed to survive the invasion which formed the Assyrian-Greek pack. The Greeks end its invasions towards that area and start to focus on other problems. When the Romans attacked the Assyrians in 120 BC over the state of Antioch, the war was bloody. The superior numbers of the Roman Empire going up against the technology of the Assyrians. In the end, the Assyrian people manage to survive the war and take Cyprus and Crete. The Assyrians don't lose any land from the war, and the Roman Empire must expand to other areas. In 50 AD, when an Assyrian king visits Jerusalem, he is met by a Christian missionary. The Missionary converts him and the king makes Christianity the state religion. Time stays the same until the 800s when Islam spreads to the lower lands of Assyria. The Assyrian king accepts it as another Abrahamic religion, and doesn't really do anything other with it. He doesn't make any laws to ban it or anything else. In 1000 AD, the Egyptians declare war on the Assyrian Empire. The war is fought mostly on the Sinai peninsula, and it results in an Assyrian victory. The Assyrian empire dethrones the Egyptian King, putting a new one in charge. In 1255, the Assyrians are forced into a war with the Mongols. This war begins the longest war in Assyrian history, known as the Doomsday. The war lasted from 1255 all the way to 1280, and ended in a Stalemate. The Mongol Ruler Möngke Khan started the war with the Assyrians because they wanted to control Baghad. History stays relatively peaceful for a decent amount of time. Assyrian Assimilation rates go through the roof, with the ethnic majority of Assyrian spreading through the empire. By the time 1492 rolled around, the empire was 70% Assyrian. In the 1840's, the Commonwealth sells the Sinai peninsula that used to be owned by Egypt the the Assyrians. Thats it, the Assyrians stay the same from this on. Or by same I mean simply no big wars and the continuation of Assimilation across the empire. The Assyrians are a world economic power and a military powerhouse in the middle east. The Assyrians are also working on a type of bomb said to have the ability to wipe out whole cities.