[center]Amelia[/center] "[color=aba000]Call me 'Miss' one more time and I'll shock you[/color]." Ellis said, as a couple arcs of electricity ran along her arm." [color=aba000]Call me Ellis. Also, Rika is a bit miffed you kept getting her name wrong.[/color]" "[color=fff200]She will[/color]." Amelia warned Jarvis." [color=fff200]And you still have flour on your face[/color]." "[color=aba000]Anyway, why are you so scared Amelia? Why are you afraid to consider the guild your home[/color]?" "[color=fff200]...I'll just lose it like I lose everything else. Then I'll be left with nothing again[/color]." Ellis just gave Jarvis a small, sad smile. She had tried to convince Amelia to stop that kind of thinking but obviously had little success. Maybe Jarvis could help her out.