Daniel maintained his position, squeezing off shots wherever he could at any Charlie he could see. These sons of bitches sure were everywhere, but they were going down faster than one could blink. The M60 definitely did a good job at suppressing these guys, which took a load of pressure off of everyone else squeezing off shots one-by-one from their M16s. It also definitely did people favors, if one of them jammed (which they inevitably will), they had time to clear the issue. The Sergeant had already situated himself behind a log, which was plenty good cover, considering it was about 3 feet thick. While everyone else was busy firing away, Daniel was simply popping controlled shots at anyone he could see. With every few shots he could see some Charlie fall. However, he didn't know if that was him, but he was damn sure he was at least contributing. The steady popping from his M16 allowed him to get into a rhythm, being able to recognize a target and firing on them almost immediately. It was pretty nice, knowing that they actually were holding off this swarm of Vietcong. Before long though, he could hear First Sergeant Davis dishing out orders. As he dictated who did what, Daniel maintained a mental list and keeping track of who went where. As he heard his name called out, he looked over to where Davis was. He turned back to the firefight going on in front of him. He squeezed off a few more shots before backing away from his spot, moving over to where their leader was. He was ready to execute a flanking maneuver, eager to end this firefight as soon as possible.