Claire stiffened when Kate grabbed her arm. She would have thought Kate would be smart enough to not touch her when she was behaving like this, but maybe the pervert just wanted a chance to grope her again. She did remove her hand again, and Claire felt disgusted with herself for thinking such a thought about her best friend. She had said she would be fine with it if Kate wanted to touch her when they were in the dream. Funny how reality was able to mess with her mind and confuse her feelings even more than a nightmare. Claire listened to what Kate and Elijah had to say, with her head turned, not looking directly at them. She didn’t know if what Kate suggested she do what was she wanted to do. How could she not understand that she might need time to process everything that had happened? Maybe Claire needed to tell her to back off and give her a chance to think, because at least then she would be left alone long enough to consider the odd prospect of them being more than friends. “I never said that’s what I wanted, Kate. Maybe you need to stop talking long enough for the rest of us to think!” She muttered. “That’s what I want to do, so leave me alone to do so.” She wanted to walk off and leave them standing there, but then they had some good points. Someone had just been murdered brutally, and that wasn’t the only unexplainable event that had taken place lately. Claire could claim they were illusions all she wanted, but it clearly would not stop them from hurting her or possibly ending her life. “Fine then. I suppose sticking together is best for now if you’re afraid of being alone.” Claire finally said and sighed. They needed her with them more than she needed them with her when she had her big cats. “I wouldn’t be alone either way though. I’ve got my family of kittens to protect me. Maybe they’d protect you too if you behave.” Claire straightened her clothes, and then she headed towards the part of the circus where the animals where kept. There should be nothing to fear. She wanted to think it so badly that she would likely think it until death was staring her in the face. She could try to escape with her cats, but this was her home. “What do you suggest we do then?” She asked, going back to the conversation they had had about how they should get to the bottom of things.