Evan turned to the source of the voice calling out for someone. It was for him. Before he could answer, or really even comprehend what had been happening, a Glock was shoved into his chest with four rounds left. Evan had gone to the range regularly, so he was familiar with firearms combat, but prior to the outbreak it had been some time, leaving him a little rusty. As he turned around to take him, a pair of keys came flying his way, and landed beside him. Evan knelt over, turning back to Jack while holding the keys. "Right. Guess I'm driving then. All pile in the Evan-mobile." His last few words emphasized as he drove the butt of the pistol into an infected persons head, knocking them back, but not wasting a single bullet. As the rest piled into the vehicle, so did Evan, closing the door beside him and making sure the windows were pulled up. A surrounding population of dead walkers began to approach the truck, almost circling the area, bound to trap them in. Evan puts the keys into the ignition, and turned it forward to start the engine, but it only sputtered. "This has gas, doesn't it?" Asking the general group. From the blue a bloodied and came knocking down along the window, frapping along the pane and causing a loud noise. In the dire close proximity the zombie made, Evan pulled the Glock on the zombie and pulled the trigger within seconds, causing the round to blast from one end out the other of the target ghoul. The zombie fell over with gray brain matter oozing from its exit wound, clearly dead. "God damn it! Anyone want to provide me come cover?" He began attempting to start the engine again.