I'll admit, i'm also anti-segregationist. Although, yes, Men are biologically superior at physical activity. Mother Nature designed us to be the hunter-gatherers, don't sue me. But, at the same time, she designed women to be the thinkers. Women have larger brains and quicker responses. I kinda liked the old days when the guys and gals would wrestle together. I mean, Trish Stratus and Lita proved that they are just as good, if not better than the guys. But, getting back to the point, this is a sport where skill is just as much a priority as physical ability. That's why guys like Hideo Itame (Kenta Kobeyashi, who is a scrawny asian bloke with amazing skill) taking on someone like Big Cass (Who is 7 feet tall, and they can't teach that!) is interesting. Being that, biologically, women can easily become more skilled than men, I think them wrestling together should be allowed. [quote=@Vinny] I just have this image in my head of a typical WWF episode. "You put me up against THIS GUY?!" "YES AND YOU'RE GONNA FIGHT HIM IF YOU WANT TO OR NOT!" "AHHH!!" -- It's like the ultimate soap opera for men, and I love it. [/quote] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z11qEraZhhE]I think this pretty much proves that WWE is just Eastenders for Men[/url]