[center][img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m63cr0X7431rzpck4o2_500.gif[/img][/center] [hr] Frustrated. That's what she has been feeling over the course of a few weeks. Her boss at the local newspaper firm had been threatening her job if she didn't get a good in to him, as soon as possible. It was kind of hard to find a good story in this day and age because everything was so repetitive and she wanted to be different, or at least try. As the hours grew longer and the days grew longer along with it, she was failing on what to do until she searched the internet about a car accident, that happened two years ago. The only person to survive was the father, who hasn't been seen since and she bit her bottom lip, smirking a little bit as she had just found her story. '[i][b]Now where could he be staying?[/b][/i]' She thought to herself as her friend, Leah, came into her room and hurried her up for work. Tiffany rolled her eyes while looking back at Leah. "[b]I'm not a real worker, I am only there undercover.[/b]" She reminded Leah while getting up out of her chair and straightening out her uniform, which she already had on. Tiffany tied her hair up into a ponytail then linked her arm with Leah's as she smiled while walking out of their apartment and down to the car. She air kissed Leah then got into her car, driving to where the cafe was. As soon as she entered the place, her boss, for now, bombarded her. "[b]It's the busiest day ever and you cannot bother to make it on time![/b]" Tiffany scoffed then looked over the few customers they had. "[b]I'm sorry. Uhm, traffic.[/b]" Her boss glared at her then pointed his index finger to the kitchen area. "[b]Clock in, put on your apron and a smile. Get to work.[/b]" She didn't know who was worst - Her boss, Neil at the local newspaper firm or her boss, Benji, at the cafe. They seemed somewhat compatible. She sighed while following Benji's orders as she clocked in, put on her apron and a charming, but perky smile. Tiffany scouted the floor as she walked up to a male, with her notepad and pencil in hand, ready to write. "[b]Hey there. You sure do love coming here, don't you?[/b]" She snickered while trying to make small talk. "[b]Anyways, what can I get for you? The usual?[/b]" She raised a small brow up at him, wondering what he was going to get this morning.