[center][IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/2vnp7hv.jpg[/IMG]>>>[img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img673/3682/ID3hAz.png[/img] [b][i]Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Broken Tavern Interacting: Lucas, Nolan[/i][/b][/center] The Chimera's golden eyes watched the boy as he explained the situation, but to be honest it sounded more it was some sort of excuse. Considering not once was there a apology for said accident and even threatened to kill people. Quite rude quite rude. The beast easily got in front of the boy as he tried walking away. Damian could handle it, plus Master Rian said it was just plain rude to but into a man's fight unless he's being a total idiot and will only get his ass kicked enough to need help from a girly guy. Said it would ruin their pride or something. [color=lime]"But it is kind of Phoenix Wing business. A lot of people were hurt and people needed help. That makes it our business unless you rather have the Knights investigate instead of fellow wizards."[/color] the beast said, sounding calm and friendly still. His mark wouldn't show because he was in his transformation magic, even if it did show up, it would be just covered up in the massive mane. Almost not reacting to the explosion other then the mild swat with his tail to block any debris that launched to the crowd, he tilted his head. Feeling like the boy probably would be more comfortable when a giant massive beast wasn't talking, he transformed into his girly dressed human form and gave a pout. [color=lime]"You know, it's okay if it's a accident. Our Guild is pretty understanding and would probably would be willing to help you out with the person your looking for. It happens to all wizards. But you should say sorry for the mistake you made. And it isn't nice threatening to kill people ya know. Because if you say things like that to people just trying to help, then you're going to start walking he same path as that dangerous man you're looking for. Cause people like him probably don't own up to their mistakes, say sorry and take responsibility for it."[/color] the blonde said with a slight smile, but he did give his honest thoughts to the situation. He didn't believe anyone was truly evil, they just walked onto the their own road, taking maybe a darker turn somewhere. Of course, he didn't want to fight, but he would if anymore innocent people like many he see coming from the tavern were injured. As the mystery man from earlier showed up, Karn looked toward him and smiled brightly and waved cheerfully. [color=lime]"Hiiii Mister~ Now now you don't need to go calling people names."[/color] he purred.