[Damian] Damian saw the girl step into the area that he and the God Slayer were fighting in just a second too late and watched as a black lightning charged fist impacted her back and made her stumble towards him. He caught her and spun around her, summoning a blade shield just in time to catch the 120mm Black Lightning Cannon. Still, it caused him to slide back a couple feet, pushing the girl he'd shielded back as well. [color=FireBrick]"Fighting from the shadows? Really doesn't seem your style, Janice."[/color] A taunting laugh echoed around him, but he focused on finding it's source, listening closely. [color=Yellow]"With your fellow guild members so close by? I'm not foolish enough to try fighting you in the open. In fact, I came here to gi-"[/color] Her rant was cut short by Damian's Hermes blade missing her face by mere inches as she was forced to dodge by leaping backwards. [color=FireBrick]"Monologuing. Great tool for clearing away the confusion."[/color] Janice snarled and charged her fists with black lightning, swinging hard for Damian who blocked and countered quickly.