[h3][color=slateblue]Ariel[/color][/h3] At first she was waiting for the other to appear when a sudden punch to the back sent her falling forward. The punch alone was something she wasn't accustomed to but the shock that accompanied it was not pleasant either. Thankfully she was caught and apparently shielded by Damien. By now she was quite confused as to what she should do. Taking a step to the side she tried to get an idea of where the girl that punched her was. "[color=khaki][b]S-sorry. I didn't mean to get in the way.[/b][/color]" She could hear a voice but couldn't see anything. Perhaps a little slow it probably took her longer than it should to figure out they were up against a lightning magic. "[color=khaki][b]Oh my god, Ariel you're so stupid.[/b][/color]" She spoke to herself out loud briefly. Almost like a light bulb coming on she lifted her hands and twirled them around, a stream of water lashing outward in a spiral away from Damian and herself.