Hey Everyone. Just dropping in to let you all know that I have not forgotten about this. I'll try to have something up as soon as possible. Two other announcements. First, I am thinking about throwing up another interest check to recruit some new faces. It will not work like the last time (making a new thread) because we already have quite an established one going on now. Hopefully a couple (even two or three) more writers would help this out immensely. Secondly, I am thinking about allowing unclaimed characters to be used as universal NPC's. How this would work is that a player would request that a certain character (unclaimed of course) should be made into an NPC. Then, as a group, we can collaborate on how that character should be interpreted in this roleplay (of course the person who requested it should have more say in the creation process). I remember a few pages ago we had a discussion about which characters can be NPC'd and which ones cannot. I swear someone said something along these lines of " we need to look out for the best interest of new players and the current ones" (Was it you, [@The New Yorker]?). While if I do this, it would be after we try to recruit some more players, but I have been considering this for the past few weeks. Edit: There is only one remedy for there not being any IC posts in a while. Making one yourself! :sun