[center][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img673/3682/ID3hAz.png[/img] [b][i]Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Broken Tavern Interacting: Lucas, Nolan, Amaya[/i][/b][/center] Karn's expression immiedietly brightened as the destruction wizard conceded and apologized for what happened, of course instantly accepting it and he couldn't help but hug the other boy with a happy hum. Already seeming to forgive him and totally ignoring the fact that this wizard's destructive magic was unstable and could blow him to pieces at any given moment. [color=lime]"See? Makes everyone feel much better eh? My name is Karn, pleasure to meet you Destructo."[/color] the blonde giggled before stopping and promptly hugging Amaya as well as she came over and spoke to them. [color=lime]"Hi Dragon Girl!"[/color] he cheered happily before letting go as the destructive man wondered if he could hire the Guild for assistance. [color=lime]"I'm sure you can. And if you have something with his scent, I bet me, Dragon Girl, or Zero-Kun and Zenny could track him down by scent, especially if he's nearby or something."[/color] he chirped before glancing toward the sound of Damian's battle and hummed. [color=lime]"Well I'm not too worried. Dammy is fully charged today and he's a good fighter. He's probably have a easier time without us bumping heads so I'll just try and make sure they don't accidently start blasting people. The others might jump into it though."[/color] he responded, watching before his body tensed as a water spell was used, able to smell it and briefly see it. Karn instantly started shaking, before promptly hiding behind Nolan, fingers gripping the man's shirt from around the ribs, having a iron grip meaning he had no intention in letting go even if the man struggled. Karn didn't know this man, but he must be of the Guild so therefore he hid behind the biggest sorta familiar person that was near him. Although he at least wasn't screaming, water spells were simply nerve wracking considering they had many more directions to go compared to just something like a river.