[h1]Lucas Ryder[/h1] [i]Why is he/she hugging me? I was a mere 'rogue' a moment ago. Alright, i now have their help. I'll get them to locate my father then i can finally kill them. Phoenix Wing wont interfere, guilds have an unspoken rule of following missions...[/i] A small male came up to Lucas, saying that they would've helped before he went berserk. [color=00aeef]"Well then, I need to leave. I'll be in touch with a request."[/color] He turned to walk away, winking at Amaya as he walked off putting on his hood. His hands were in his pocket and his blue cape flapped in the wind. [i]Please don't get in my way Phoenix Wing. I'm too close to let anyone get in the way of this crusade.[/i]