[h2]Magnolia Guild Hall[/h2] "Hmmm. Well, I guess if you like it better. But, do come in if it's bad, Karn. You can come to my room." The young lady sighed softly, patting the boy lightly on the head before she heard him mentioned the job he'd been eying, himself. She looked through them and had a few in mind, but if there was one he wanted to do, that was fine with her. "'Nobody cares about the poor'?" Trinity echoed the name back to him before someone else caught his attention. She smiled softly to herself and went over to the job board to find the posting in question. Her search was interrupted when Jamie shouted about a rogue mage. The response from the room seemed almost over the top, as multiple members, Karn included, left to go deal with it. And then Jamie followed. "... Aah... what kind of guild did I join again?" She sighed softly before turning back to the job board, scrutinizing it. "Ah, here it is." She carefully picks the page from the board, giving it a good read. "The Council and the local law enforcement both refuse to act due to a lack of evidence. Yeah, that's how bureaucracy works, unfortunate as it is. But, from the seems of it..." She carefully folds the page and slips it into a fastening pocket on her robes. She conjures only her quiver onto her back as she leaves the guild hall, seeking the destroyed tavern they all headed to. As they minstrel arrives on the scene, she could only appreciate the damage done. "Wooow. Was it like this when you guys got here, or was this collateral?" The minstrel steps through what little remains of a doorway, and it gives way as she leans against it, lightly as she does. She catches herself quickly and briefly looks to investigate where it broke. She spots the odd kid (Jamie) amongst them and beelines for him, stooping down to pick him up from behind with her arms around his waist. "Oooh, what's a kid like you doing in a ruined building? It's not a safe place to play, y'know."