[b]Alex Clark - Cell - People[/b] As soon as he saw the girl standibg behind Magnus draw her bow and nock an arrow, he pulled Richard away from the cell's bars. He sent the woman a sincerely pissed-off glare as he managed to get Richard to back away. He heard Luke step forwards and calmly ask the questions everyone wanted to but noone dared, fearing the answers to come. Looking at this Magnus person he felt that whatever would happen, he would not trust the man. It was the entire belittling, all-knowing, calm and fatherly act the man pulled on them that only made him feel more disgusted and distressed. He didn't show it though. They had been taken by force, together with many others judging at the people inside with them. They were willing to go great lengths to gather people, judging by the amount of force they used on them, explosives and all. Whatever this Magnus dude meant with 'helping us', Alex knew it was not going to be pleasant.