James laid back on the top of a semi truck lazily, staring at the brilliant stars so high above. The breeze brought on by the truck's motion felt excellent, and for now, he decided he could savor it. After all, there was at least another block before he reached his target's home... So saying, he slipped in his headphones, setting his phone to loop a few of his favorite songs- Mostly jazz... Or classic rock. Some five minutes later, a small sixth sense in the back of his mind suggested he was close to his target- And with that thought in mind, he quite simply rolled off of the edge of the truck. What with city traffic, they were hardly moving more than five or six miles an hour, making the landing a smooth and easy roll onto the sidewalk for him. Didn't even lose his headphones~. Just ahead, he saw the building he was after- A large apartment tower, owned and operated by one of the many crime families of New York. The Second in Command of this particular family lived right up at the top, of course.... Which, James thought, was going to make this -excessively- enjoyable. There was no need for subtlety this day- Anybody who worked for the hotel, worked for the family. They would be hostile, and he would have no qualms with... Putting them down. So saying, he drew a long knife from his boot with his right hand, and unholstered a silenced pistol from under his jacket with his left, holding the two unobtrusively at thigh level and strolling casually into the tower, flashing a smile to the doorman... And promptly spearing him through the side of the neck with his knife, cutting off his vocal cords before ripping forward to sever both jugulars and his esophagus in one stroke. The man behind the main desk found a trio of bullets in his chest and head before he had any kind of time to react- Not the best grouping, perhaps, but it was definitely enough to kill. That was two down. Now for the -rest- of the building. The following half hour was a blur in James' mind- A blur of climbing, killing, slipping in and out of cover, and generally having an absolute blast. By the time he reached the top floor, he had his fair share of wounds to show for it- A bloody graze through suit and skin on his left shoulder, a shallow stab wound- And slash wound- on his hip, neither having cut deep enough to reach bone, though the muscle certainly brought on pain. None of this, however, compared to the two dozen or so dead bodies he left in his wake on the way up. Now all that remained was his actual target. He stood before the door and cracked his neck with a soft sigh- Before hammering his heel into the door, just above the handle. It crashed open with a ear-splitting crack, sending a few small chunks of wood soaring across the penthouse room behind it. James was quick to follow those chunks, darting inside and discarding his pistol, instead drawing a second longknife, both held easily backhand as he slid to a halt in the not-so-covering cover of a wall. "Helllooooooo Mister Teddy. My name is James Wight. You killed my father. Prepare to die." A gunshot rang out, and plaster went flying just beside James' head, followed by a voice. "What the fuck are you talking about you freak!?" James' grin widened, and he whipped around from behind the wall, sending one of the knives soaring across the open space between himself and the outline of another man. It whipped end over end once, twice... The buried itself in the man's shoulder, right in that wonderful soft spot wherein laid the clavicle artery. Sure, he'd been aiming for the -neck-. But this worked too. Gave him time to have fun with it. The man- Apparently called Teddy- dropped to his knees with a groan of pain- And made the mistake of wrenching the knife free, only speeding up the brief time it would take for him to bleed out now. "That was just a reference to an old movie. The Princess Bride. An old favorite of mine, really. I'm -actually- here because I'm getting paid... Well, a lot of money to make sure you stop breathing innnnn... Three... Two.... And one!" The cheery tone behind his words were what made it rather disturbing as the knife he still held whipped around and opened Teddy's neck from ear to ear. He collapsed, and was quick to cease breathing, the look of stunned pain still trapped on his features as James went about collecting his things, phone held up to his ear by a shoulder. "Hello? Yes, I'd like to make some dinner reservations for.... A moment, let me remember." He paused briefly before nodding. "Twenty seven. Yes, twenty seven, at the Tamrella Apartment Tower. Payment will be waiting on the table in the penthouse apartment at the top floor." Once that was confirmed, he hung up with a nod- Stealing a pair of fingers from Teddy's corpse and making his way out.