[center][img]http://i421.photobucket.com/albums/pp292/sasya02/Decorated%20images/Anime-Girl.jpg[/img] [b][i]"You don't know what you're up against."[/i][/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Angel Tsubasa [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Servant:[/b] None [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] [i]Red Burst-[/i] a red beam comes from Angel's hand. It only has to strike her opponent once to kill them and never misses. [i]Blinding Light-[/i] the sword that she received from her mother glows with a blinding light so intense that it cuts through anything and anyone. [b]Appearance:[/b] Pretty and petite, Angel stands at 5'7" and is a very curvy woman. Her appearance is adored by all the men at Utakan City University, even the teachers. But of course, she hates her appearance for it, and often hides her silky, ivory hair in hats and wears glasses as to not seem as pretty. Her body is unmarked by any scar or blemish, even if she has been in several fights before. [b]Personality:[/b] Friendly and optimistic, Angel is liked by all of her friends and is called the "Sun of Ukatan". Her smile brings cheer and joy to anyone, no matter how terrible their day or life is. She does not disappoint; instead, she gets good grades and goes out and hangs out with her friends for hours every day. Many wonder how she can be valedictorian and come home from wandering around the city at twelve midnight. She does not get angry easily, but when she does, she intimidates those who bothered her or her friends into submission. [b]Short Biography:[/b] The mysterious and hidden child of Kiritsugu and Saber, Angel has always been a topic of wonder. Many of the mages within the association begged for her father to let them mentor her in order to see her powers up close, but he declined. Instead, he taught her all of the magic he knew when she was but seven years old. Much to his and her mother's surprise, Angel became a master at magic when she was but eight. It was then that Kiritsugu and Saber knew that she was not like other mages, and would one day become something great. Kiritsugu sent Angel to Ukatan to attend the university when she was of age. This was to protect her from the prying gazes of the mages and questions she was asked. Before she left, however, Saber gave her Excalibur and Avalon, which she keeps hidden away in her fancy apartment building nearby the school. Of course, Kiritsugu didn't mind because he was cool like that and totally loved Saber to bits even though he loved Irisviel too but she could never provide him with the happiness that Saber did. Sure they seemed like they hated each other, but Kiritsugu and Saber actually loved each other very much and their aggressiveness towards each other was only a cover up in public. A while later, Angel got a phone call from Saber. Her mother told her that Kiritsugu left because, in actuality, he was a Servant too! She went all like "omg no way so does that mean I'm a Servant too lol" and Saber was like "lol idk this is some fucked up shit right here haha". Stricken with grief, Angel decided that she would become the strongest mage in existence, which she did, in order to find her father and find out what exactly she is. [b]Other:[/b] TEN MINUTES, A NEW RECORD