[quote=@Musoka] Question though! Will we also be showing stuff from behind the scenes etc? Times between events and so on or is it just promos and matches? [/quote] That's a great question, and the answer is that we absolutely will. The term "promo" in an eFed is basically a general term for RP. So in your promo if you want to incorporate elements of backstage politics or life on the road or life outside the ring in general, that's up to you. Also, when I write the actual show, there are going to backstage segments and all of the things that are used to develop wrestling angles. So if you have an idea for a segment you'd like to appear on a show to forward a rivalry, PM me about it or post in the OOC and I'll work it in. Also our own version of real-life "backstage politics" will actually develop. As players, you are pitching storylines for your characters, just like how performers come up with ideas for their characters in real-life wrestling. You're also interacting with other players in the OOC section. By the nature of the game, there is one World Champion, one person on top. Some players may be cool about losing, some people may not be. You may not agree with the decisions I make about wins and losses, and you may try to pitch stories that will make your character look stronger at the expense of others. That's all part of the fun. Manipulating each other and stabbing each other in the back is what this godforesaken business was founded on after all.