[img]http://www.catch-arena.com/photos/catcheurs/michael-ps-hayes/michael-ps-hayes-11-1381605062.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Sexton Love [b]Hometown:[/b] West Hollywood, California [b]Height:[/b] 6'4 [b]Weight:[/b] 249 lbs. [b]Alignment:[/b] Heel [b]Gimmick:[/b] A sleazy womanizer, a man that truly believes he is god's gift to women everywhere. "The Gift From Above" Sexton Love. Also refers to himself as "The Sexcellence of Sexecution", which for all you kids out there is obviously a genius play on Bret Hart's moniker "The Excellence of Execution". Has a seemingly endless stream of catchphrases and awful one-liners. Hosts his own in-ring talk show segment called "The Sex Talk" that is used to kick start various feuds. Often wears tights that are customized depending on his current rivalry (an idea blatantly stolen from Rick Rude). A man on a mission, and that mission is to bring sexy BACK to the world of professional wrestling. Believes he should be the top guy in the company, because the fact of the matter is that "Sex Sells" and he is quite simply the "Sexiest There Is, Sexiest There Was, and Sexiest There Ever Will Be!" [b]Entrance Music:[/b] Sexy Back by Justin Timberlake [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gOHvDP_vCs[/url] [b]Entrance Description:[/b] A lot of pelvic thrusting. Constantly hitting own women in the audience. Will always find a female fan (a planted female fan), that he brings over the guardrail to be in his corner for the match. [b]Wrestling Style:[/b] Old school heel. Technical wrestling mixed with some brawling and underhanded tactics. [b]Finishing Move:[/b] Sexecutor (Muta Lock) Piledriver [b]Signature Moves: [/b] Sex Plex (German Suplex w/bridge) Rude Awakening (Rick Rude rip-off) Flexing pose followed by elbow drop (Scott Steiner rip-off) Headlock w/THEATRICS (talks to women in the crowd while he has his opponent in a headlock) Large Package (Small Package, often hooking the tights) Low blow