It wasn't really a great flight in Austin's point of view as he hung in the back of the formation, his eyes staring blankly out at the vast blue expanse and at the control panel sitting in front of him-mainly at his fuel. It wasn't the flying that was boring, in fact that's what he loved about this job besides its pay, It was the fact no one seemed to want to crack a joke- [i]just pure silence[/i]. Before he could complain about it another voice came across the comms, letting him sigh in relief- atleast someone was talking. [quote]"Good Afternoon Black Knights, this is Watchman. I have your position marked and noted, you're looking good for a run in to Cayenne Airport. The Space Center hasn't reported any difficulties as yet; though the local Gendarmes have been investigating sightings of heavily armed groups in the rainforest, and there's been fighting further to the East and West. Contact has also been intermittent with smaller settlements further out. Also, to add to bad news, we've got heavy weather patterns moving in. Looks like a good tropical storm brewing up. On the upside, it'll hinder their movements as much as our own, and it won't hit until after you've touched down. The C-130's are also an hour or so out from landing, and have supplies for your squad on board. Home base has also put together a reinforcement unit for the security forces at the Spaceport itself, and they'll be departing shortly; though they too might get held up by the weather. I'll keep you abreast of any further info".[/quote] "Would it be a bad time to sing Rock you like a Hurricane?" Viking chuckled to himself as he finished, looking over at the Nut Assortment that was his squadron as the Hawkeye finished- yawning a bit As the KC10 joined in the chat.[i]What is this, a social meet and greet?[/i] He asked himself, his eyes quickly running over the fuel counter- half full. Good to see a somewhat fed belly instead of the Master Caution he got when landing on the Stormcloud. As they neared the Purple Eagle positioned itself to where it was behind the Viper, Warthog and...A Fishbed? Looked like someone else saw something in antiquity. As the three finished up the pilot adjusted his seating, looking over to the left of the plane as he lined up. The good thing about the F15 was that the Slipway was located on the left, just off to the side of the engine intake-meaning that it was rather easy to line up the Boom unlike someone's Viper. "I believe it's wrong to think that this is something else other than feeding!" Austin shook his head at his own thoughts, sighing in relief as he heard the [i]THUNK[/i] of the boom connecting. As the Extender gave his Eagle the beans, the happy-hearted father couldn't help but crack a few jokes that seemed necessary to brighten up the mood. "You guys stay careful, It would suck if ya'll became victim of that old adage!" The pilot gave the operator a salute as he finished refueling, letting himself drift off a bit to let the Slipway close before banking to let the others get some beans. He performed some checks on the instruments, making sure they were functioning just right- it wouldn't be fun if they weren't. Luckily, to his relief, the maintenance crews on the Trimaran Craft gave his precious F15C the full spa treatment. Time seemed to fly by(bad pun) As they approached the city, Austin having formed up on the wing of the Viper- his eyes scanning the horizon and his Radar. The storm didn't worry him in a personal way, his fear of thunder having been gone by age 7, but storms with winds, rain and the like could affect the controls. Luckily it seemed they'd get there before it'd start. "I wonder if they have Pizza here....." He spoke softly as he lowered his landing gear, making a sharp turn to keep up with the Viper in front "If so, It's on me!". After a few attempts to land-He'd never done an Overhead Recovery- The sound of wheels turning made him smile- a nice landing. Now all he had to do was taxi it, and hopefully not cause millions of dollars worth of destruction. As soon as his personalized bird came to a halt in the facility Austin popped the canopy open, his helmet already off and taking a big breath of fresh air. "Another landing not fucked up!" He announced, raising his hands into the air "Woo!". It was time to relax, and a good nights rest before another flight was much needed- even more needed was food, which his stomach hungered for as he got down from the old bird and closely followed Scott.