Casper turned and leaned against the railing as they started talking about art and craftsmanship. Apart from an interest in mythology, the boy knew nothing about art. He couldn’t draw, he couldn’t play music and he certainly couldn’t sing. Unable to participate in the conversation, his eyes found home on the soothing waves stretching out in the ocean before them. He didn’t feel left out, not at all. In fact, he felt more included than he had at the academy before. While it filled him with mixed emotions, both fear and joy, it most of all manage a smile across his lips. Kana seemed like a nice girl, just like Mason had managed to get on Casper’s ‘good people’ list, she was making her way onto the page as well. Was this too fast? It felt like it was going too fast. Casper could barely make [i]one[/i] friend in a whole freaking [i]year[/i] and now he’s making [i]two[/i] in a day? It was hard to believe and almost harder to accept. How old was Mason? He was probably older than Casper and the chance of sharing a dorm with him was slim. Who would he share a dorm with? Last time Casper was stuck with a pig who couldn’t even clean up after himself, let alone act like a descent human being. If Mason took his place, everything would be perfect, wouldn’t it? Hell, they didn’t even need to talk. Anything was better than what he used to have. “M-my power…?” Mason’s question brought a thought to mind that hadn’t been present before. Funny, given how familiar Casper was with other Meta-humans, one could perhaps expect him to ask that question as an everyday choice of words. It had however not developed that way. Casper knew that one day or another he would see everyone’s power, preferably from afar. While it was always a fascinating discovery, learning of others' powers was an incredibly scary dig. Some people were able to pull your bones from your body and make them dance to a tune. The amount of power in one person’s mind could surpass everything thought possible. “I…I can replicate things…” Casper turned around to see the other two again. “Uhm…” He reached down for the iPod and held it up in front of the others, allowing it to vanish from existence before them. Dissolving from tip to bottom, the iPod was no more. The headset soon followed and left Casper without his music. It was okay, he could just walk to his bag and get it back. To further display his abilities, the boy produced his iPhone and placed his right index finger on the top. He conjured an exact replica which built itself into existence as if building blocks from the point which he had touched down to the lowest edge. With a phone in each hand, Casper looked at the other two with a soft, sheepish smile on his lips. “I-it can be a cool magic trick…I guess…”