Jack sat up straight taking in a big breath of air. He coughed, and staggered, eventually pulling himself up. Jack felt calm, or at least as calm as he could be, and tried to remember what happened. He gasped remembering how his dragon side took over...he was hungry...and...wanted to eat...something..no..not something...someone...that rabbit girl. He wondered if that rabbit girl will understand what he felt. He slowly made his way toward where she barricaded herself. He stood partly in the shadows, looking down. When he saw Okori his anger spiked, the dragon part of him really really disliking the guy. He calmed his "other" self down while watching him scold her for being weak. "Yeah you need to learn to stay in your rabbit hole girl." His dragon self growled. Jack was having extreme difficulties controlling himself around the rabbit girl. Rabbit was so delicious, and when you have a human sized rabbit, that's a gold mine! He could control it somewhat though, enough so he does not go on a murderous rampage. [i]Murder..oh right..that is why they are here[/i]. He focused his thoughts on the objective while staring at the ground.