"[color=f26522][i]Jacque, musst we continue wandering aimlessssly, i've grown rather bored with thiss you know.[/i][/color]", Coal stared up at Jacque, her pumpkin orange eyes glowing slightly as she communicated with him mentally rather than the verbal method that they normally used. Picking up on this, Jacque cocked his head a bit as his purple eyes began to glow as well, "[color=0054a6][i]I guess we could go outside for a little bit more, but we'll have to stay on campus. Why the sudden change in communication? I liked actually speaking to you.[/i][/color]", "[color=f26522][i]Few can commune with their familiar specifically in the familiar'ss native tongue, most ssimply converse through common or mental speak. I grow tired of the sstrange looks people give you when we conversse...[/i][/color]". Jacque thought about it for a moment, he never really payed much attention to it and would have likely never come to realize what he was doing when he spoke to Coal had someone not brought it to his attention. During conversations between Coal and Jacque, Jacque's language switched over from plain english, to something that sounded like a person playing a recording of latin in reverse, which was apparently unnerving to some people much to Jacque's dismay. The mage rolled his eyes and gave a small huff, "[color=0054a6][i]I'll consider trying. It the mean time let's catch a few more rays of sun before class.[/i][/color]". Jacque travelled once more outside in time to catch a fire ball disappearing from in front of another student, "[color=0054a6]Huh. They heck do you suppose all that was about Coal?[/color]", "[color=f26522]You're doing it again.[/color]" "[color=0054a6]I said I would consider trying. Verdict still isn't out on whether or not I agree.[/color]". The pair moved away from the scene in favor of approaching someone that appeared to be dozing in a tree. "[color=0054a6]A man after mein own heart. That a prefect uniform I spy?[/color]" Jacque purred as he crept towards Raulf. Years of learning how to silently track wildlife made for a very silent approach, even in the confining uniform that he wore Jacque did not make a sound as he crawled up the tree. It was only when Jacque had crawled onto a branch just above Raulf's that he chose to make himself known; "[color=0054a6]Comfy, isn't it?[/color]" Jacque all but purred as he stared down at the prefect with a grin.