The last few minutes had been a blur. Ripped from her grasp like a fish, Angie had watched as poor little Sophia was dragged into the chaos and promptly devoured. Dazed and overwhelmed by how outnumbered they were, she'd simply followed Alex along as they followed the new arrivals into the safety of a nearby parking garage. With the way things were now, she was kinda glad that they were in relative safety now, even though they'd lost even more of the party. At this point, she was the only one left of the original bus crew. Ahi, James and the doctor, gone at the school. Doris, shot. Sophia, eaten. Everyone she'd known well over the past week, gone, dead, shambler food. Sonuvabitch. If she were any less strong, she would've dove head first into the horde, let it take her and her troubles away. But no, she'd survived Dulles. She could survive this. With bat gripped firmly in hand she clambered her way over the SUV, lost in the chaos and firmly alone, at least, save for the lone soldier they'd met at the school. Alex, he was called. She didn't even know where he was, everything happened so quickly. All she knew was that now there was a new guy and a whole bunch of soldiers that were covering the survivors of the wreck, her included. She didn't even know what they were doing, so she blindly followed orders like a sheep, concerned more for her own safety in this hellhole that was DC. She'd grieve later. Right now, survival was key.