[h3][u][color=C2B280]Fleo Plector -=- Magnolia Town[/color][/u][/h3] Always quick with an expressive face, Fleo raised her eyebrows. Personally, she would have been happy to accept Lucas's proffered explanation for the destruction of the bar, her nativity in combination with her optimism keeping her from regarding the young man with undue suspicion. Of course, explanations would do about as much to repay the ruined building as would apologies, not that the latter were, from Lucas, forthcoming. Then Lucas went and asserted himself, promising vengeance on any member of PheonixWing that dared to interpose herself in his little quest. That action alone cost him some respect from Fleo. Normal people, even ones who had harmful magical accidents, didn't go saying things like that. When Lucas obliterated the beam, Fleo took it as an invitation to battle, and the coat of dust on the cobblestones about her rose up once more, forming into eddies that circled her. Evidently, her guildmembers felt the same way. A young man whose name Fleo had only recently discovered to be Nolan wasted no time in jumping down the white-haired boy's throat. The dusty woman rolled her eyes. Even someone unskilled in the art of personal relations could tell that meeting surliness and pride with bad temper only made a situation like this worse. Of all things, the chimera then attempted to defuse the situation. Karn's reversion to his human form surprised Fleo enough to loosen the muscles in her jaw, though it did not calm the flow of dust. A few seconds passed before she could shake her head in resignation. Of course this guild would have a man who dressed like a girl who could turn into a giant beast, and of course he would hug foul-tempered Nolan. Her thoughts then refocused on the problem at hand Fortunately, it seemed like she wouldn't have to duel in her exhausted state. Faced with Nolan's threats, Amaya's reason, Karn's disarming weirdness, and the mere presence of everyone else, Lucas seemed to back down. Fleo allowed her hands to slip back into her pockets, a hopeful smile gracing her face. Though it was no longer needed, Fleo kept up the swirling dust around her for fun. That, or she had simply forgotten it—years and years of unconscious use of her magic in one way or another made low-level usage easy to miss. Her attention fixated upon the true fight nearby. She recognized among the tumult the platinum blond hair of Damian, but the woman who he engaged rang no bells. Anyone who wielded black lightning with such ferocity, and furthermore could go toe-to-toe with Damian in a serious fight, was not to be trifled with even for someone as impulsive as Fleo. She grudgingly admitted that Karn was right: to interfere would be to cramp the style of Pheonix Wing's Blade. It seemed, however, that someone didn't get the memo: an elegantly dressed young lady with skin the color of coffee, who wielded a water spell in her attempt to help Damian. Frowning again, Fleo began to approach the dueling wizards, wondering if she might be able to lend her help after all. [color=C2B280]“Some jerk wrecked it, but he said it was an accident. So I guess it was like that when we got here,”[/color] she told Trinity as the minstrel walked past. Fleo turned to continue only to find her progress stymied by a sudden outburst behind her. She whirled around, dust flurrying around her like a gusty winter breeze, and beheld Nolan lying, comatose and foaming at the mouth, on Karn. Despite the gravity of the confrontation now behind her, the dusty woman could not help but laugh. [color=C2B280]“Looks like your fashion sense was nightmarish enough to send Tough Guy Nolan into a seizure, Karn!”[/color] she teased. She spared a glance at the intense battle between swords, electricity, and water, and her merriment evaporated. [color=C2B280]“Should I get involved in the fight, or should I try to carry Nolan back to the guild hall? So far my unconscious-guildmate-gathering record is better than my combat record in Pheonix Wing. I could stop for pancakes on the way...”[/color] An arc of voltage the color of the night sky smashed into a sidewalk tree, superheating the resin below the surface and blowing off all of the tree's bark in an instant. [color=C2B280]“Hmm.”[/color] Fleo stood roughly forty feet from where the duel currently raged. Surely, if her guildmates needed help, they would ask for it...?