[@mattmanganon] "The Flying Scotsman" Sammy MacDougal is accepted. Before you post him in the Characters section though, maybe add a little bit more to his gimmick. Give us a sense of his personality. [quote=@Jordan] I'm still working on my dude, do you want me to put it here or in the characters section? [/quote] Post here first, then once he's approved you can post the CS in the Characters section. [quote=@Bright_Ops] I'll try and get a character up and posted up when I've got the time. It'll give me a chance to think about what I want to throw together anyway. Question: Can two players form a tag team? Or be forced into one anyway. Much more interesting to have two different people behind a group then one person guiding the whole group. [/quote] Two players can definitely form a tag-team if they wish.