Keyleigh slid her keycard through an access port and walked through to what looked like a class room, a plain room with tables lined up in rows and chairs facing towards her. It had two doors, one that led in from a lobby of some sort and another that led back out the way she came and required the key card. She looked over the group she had and leaned against the expensive looking black oak desk that was generally hers, but not officially. "Well, you don't have a feral look in your eyes yet, but at least you don't look like bed wetters," She said, her accent a little hard to place but leaned more towards Irish. That generally happened after living for over 300 years, dialects get twisted and a tongue goes extinct then is soon replaced by another and soon you can't tell where anyone's from anymore. Not that it matters much anyways. "You've all got your keys and IDs, they allow you access to specific areas only such as the cafeteria, the sparring room, the locker room for your gender, this room and the main library, once you finish your time with me, then you will be given or lose privileges based on conduct and performance. In other words, do as I say, when I say it and don't argue. Otherwise, we should get along famously. Any questions?" X-------------X Fleur scanned over papers on her desk and let out a sigh, looking out of her window to the delightfully dismal weather. Ah how she loved the rain, it often reminded her of her younger days, but enough time for reminiscing. She turned back to the papers and began placing certain ones to envelopes with names written in her elegant script on the front . She took the time to seal them and then transferred them into a satchel which she picked up and carried to a conference room. Morning briefings were always a bore but they had to be done. She took her seat at the head of the table and pulled the envelopes out. "Good morning. Today's briefing is simple, you have your missions in the envelope with your name. You are to follow the instructions to the letter and I will be assigning one of you to work with our...youngest agent," She said, her voice laced with honey and at the same time with the promise of poison. "BenoƮt, you will have Chintia accompany you since your mission is simply a recovery, you can read the details yourself later on. This meeting is at an end," Fleur said after laying out the envelopes neatly.