Katherine was tapping her fingers on the table, she was amongst the new recruits for the Lycan race. She had to admit though when she was born into a family of Lycans she was never fond of being one herself, but I suppose that fate had other ideas for her and she had no intention in this war against vampires. Honestly the only thing that's making her do this is the little grudge she holds in her heart where a vampire killed her entire family. If you think Katherine was the type of person to go through with petty grudges she wasn't, sure she had one, but she wouldn't attack a vampire unless her own life was in danger. No Katherine was a bit more laid back than most lycans with a soft spot she hides with a tough exterior. Katherine was listening to the woman sitting behind a very nice black oak desk, though a sudden chime from another fledgling lycan kinda annoyed her, she wasn't fond of jokes or anyone trying to be funny. She just sighed and gave a slight eye roll while she kept focus on front, having her chair tilted on the back two legs and her feet kicked up on the desk, keeping her balance as she rocked in the chair. She was silent when there was asked to be questions while fiddling with her key card between two of her slim and pale fingers. Katherine was sort of the silent type, rather keep to herself then talk to anyone else unless she was spoken to, other then that she would lose interest rather quickly if someone can keep her attention long. Katherine was rocking back and forth in her seat, tapping her fingers on the desk and even one of her feet were twitching. She wasn't one to be cooped up in one place to long, she rather be out running around or dancing or doing something. Even though she wanted to leave, she couldn't because she was stuck here going through all this initiative crap. She let out an exasperated sigh and averted her eyes from the front, though she was still listening.