Keyleigh looked to the young man and flashed a toothy grin, baring off her razor sharp canines, a skill these young ones hadn't learned yet. She stood and walked to where the young man sat then looked him up and down. "Alright smart guy, you get the first sparring session with a friend of mine," She said then walked along the row and pushed a girl's feet off of the desk. "Let's get a move on puppies, time for your first lesson. Follow the arrows to the sparring arena, locker rooms are clearly marked and your keys open your lockers which have your training gear," Key said, leaving the room then poked her head back in. "Last one there scrubs down the men's showers and toilets." With that last tid bit, she walked back out and down to her own office, picked up the phone and dialed Luke's extension. She plopped down in her chair and blew a strand of hair from her face.