[b]Username:[/b] Masaki Haruna [b]Name:[/b] Mei Tan [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Country of Origin:[/b] China [b]Role:[/b] Lightning Guardian Candidate [b]Flame:[/b] Lightning [b]Weapon/Fighting Style:[/b] [list] [*] Kung Fu! Yes she's Chinese and all Chinese knows Kung Fu! Well that's an archetype but literally, she learned and honed her kung fu skills in her four year training. Not disciplined but she plays it dirty. [*] She utilizes two dual swords, nitoryu style as picking up her mother's rumored fighting style. [/list] [b]Appearance: [/b] [hider=Current][img]https://scontent-cdg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10427252_1006373036049549_1795315964524178030_n.jpg?oh=5b72691f14eb532e0863c91445a3bb7b&oe=55A892B6[/img][/hider] [hider=10 years later][img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/190/0/9/akame_of_akame_ga_kill_by_rexrubens-d7q05sd.png[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] [i]"My Kung Fu is better than yours!"[/i] Headstrong and quick witted. Mei is straight to the point honest and dislikes sugarcoating, in battle she is ruthless and calculating. She is full of pride and stands tall, mess with that pride, you get the ashes, pride is high, pride is strong on this one. As a whole person, she's energetic, cheeky, and full of charisma, full of enthusiasm to make things awesome. [b]History:[/b] One may get frostbites upon hearing the name of her family, yes her family sends electrical chill right down the spine. The Tan's are the type of Mafia who deals with cold and electricity, all is good business. This mafia line of family originates from China, running triads and whatnot. Furthermore, they remain albeit, an enigma on the works. How her mom and dad meet? Her Father was one of the mafia in Beijing capital who runs an underground covert business of loads, multiple business such as weaponry and cars. Fail to pay the services, you lose a fingernail, fail to pay, you lose a limb. The Tan's are one scary family in China, though common, these lines of Tan's are notorious, they'd do anything to get what they want. Mei's mother is Japanese, that is all there is to it. She doesn't even know how they get together knowing how her dad is cold in business. Up to now, it remains unclear. The only one left in her stead is her father, disappeared mom without a trace; no siblings as she's the only child. Besides, a fodder can't provide the motherly love that a mother is suppose to give, Mei's father grew kinder than cruel and sought to give what the family lacks. When she reached 11 years old she began to learn more about her roots from her grandfather and father, because of that and out of pride and love, his only daughter and child is trained more, more than a son regardless of gender. That is all there is to it, she knew little about her mother and the posthumous nature of her father. [b]Other:[/b] [b]Hobbies:[/b] Aside from training, Mei loves ice skating and has been ice skating since she was 7. She is competitive in cooking and to whatever she does to impress her grandfather. Overall a very sporty person who would so do skateboarding and rollerblading, she prefers the outdoors than the indoors. Art is not a crime, graffiti drawings, she gets paid. Likes: -Outdoors -Good rivals -Rock music -Fishing -Singing Dislikes: -Outdoors, what you like is what you hate too -No profit! -Running out of ideas -Sore Winning -Sad stories She tries not to speak in English, her Japanese grammar is quite bad.