While waiting in the din of people's travels, the boy noticed something from a distance. Out of one of the trains, which he only saw out of the corner of his eye, someone familiar approached. Jordan wasn't sure who it was at first, barely turning his eyes to see someone about three years older than himself. Retaining his forward face, he only realized why he knew this person when he felt a small digital signal emanating from his bag, followed by the soft rustling sound of the soft horns of Togarimon moving about within his bag, which luckily only he could hear. The young man approached and addressed him in a somewhat crass, mostly sarcastic manner. However, Jordan kept his composure, acting as if he was not acknowledging the individual beside him. His 'accusation' was rather odd. Had he been doing something of ill repute, he wouldn't have been in the middle of the station in broad day light right in front of the track in clear view of the streets outside. "[color=1a7b30]I'm doing the same thing as you,[/color]" he muttered, not making eye contact, "[color=1a7b30]Digimon's in the bag. So is...[/color]" he paused, "[color=1a7b30]I'm assuming Elecmon.[/color]" He allowed a moment of silence to pass before them, moving only to slide a finger to his neck and adjust the tall collar of his sweater. After waiting for another train to blow by, he spoke up again. "[color=1a7b30]Leon told me what was happening,[/color]" he answered in a rather flat tone, sounding almost casual, if not cold, "[color=1a7b30]You weren't exactly discrete yourself. This isn't something I can allow,[/color]" he stated, pausing for a moment to collect himself before continuing, "[color=1a7b30]I can't let a thing like that subsist. If it comes down to it, I'll tear it apart piece by piece if I have to.[/color]"