[center][b]Master Jamie[/b][/center] Master Jamie didn't have a chance to say anything to the unknown Mage, before Trinity picked her up. Jamie gave an indignant squeak, and tried to get away. Jamie had never consider the fact that he would be mistaken so much for a child, that some would actually [i]pick her up[/i]. [color=f26522]"Trinity! Put me down, this instance!"[/color] Jamie said, in an, in mild annoyance, unmistakably adult voice through a child's mouth, crossing their arms over their chest, and shifting slightly to look at Trinity, their guild mark visible on their bare arm, their strange, bird birthmark seen on his hand just before she crossed his arms. Jamie could, of course, just change his shape to his normal form, but that had the risk of hurting Trinity. [color=f26522]"I am not a child, and even if I was, I've been in more dangerous situations then this in my own childhood"[/color] [center][b]Penny[/b][/center] Penny sighed softly. She shook her head and said quietly, [color=f7976a]"You will probably get on better with Sasha. I have no patience for drawing, nor do I really read. While I enjoy fighting, it isn't something I relish"[/color] she shrugged, looking up at the sky. [color=f7976a]"I just enjoy flying. To be able to go anywhere, when I want? Its a freedom I craved since I was a child"[/color] [center][b]Jarvis[/b][/center] Jarvis watched Amelia go, sighing softly. What could he say, or do, to make her see that nothing was going to happen? He didn't know. [color=aba000]"The trouble isn't in the fact that she thinks people will be ripped away from her. Its in her thinking she can't protect them, when she can, and has. Like she did the other day"[/color] He looked to Ellis, and sighed again. [color=aba000]"There isn't much to share, really. I had a daughter before."[/color] he didn't say anything more on that subject, but rather busied himself with dishing out the stew. [color=aba000]"I met Jamie when we were both teenagers, or close to it that it doesn't matter. We formed a team, and then, eventually, formed the guild. And its become more then either of us thought it would, I think"[/color]