[center][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img673/3682/ID3hAz.png[/img]>>>[IMG]http://i60.tinypic.com/2vnp7hv.jpg[/IMG] [b][i]Karn Fiore || Magnolia || Broken Tavern Interacting: Nolan, Fleo, Zero/Zenoram[/i][/b][/center] Karn blinked a little as Nolan once again started freaking out and sweating a river again. Before the blonde could react, the bigger man fell backward and on top of the feminine male, foam running at the mouth like some dog with rabies.grunting as he was practically crushed underneath the bigger sweaty man, the blonde flailed a little, but that did little to move the fainted wizard. As Fleo laughed and joked with him, Karn gave a playful huff. [color=lime]"But I was told I look better in these clothes. At least by that odd guy."[/color] he laughed before transforming into his Chimera form, looking down as the much bigger form looked at the figure passed out on his belly. His tail flicked and wrapped itself around the man's waist and lifted him up so Karn could roll onto his feet and stand up once again. Nose curling a little at the smell of sweaty man, he stuck out his tongue. [color=lime]"Awe.. I'm going to need a tongue bath after this."[/color] he whined a little before grinning. [color=lime]"Don't worry Dusty! I'll take him back! Make sure everyone's okay."[/color] Karn chirped, setting the unconscious man on his back before started heading back toward the Guild. Steps quick and fluid before skidding to a halt as he spotted Zero and Zenoram, in which case the beast cheerfully charged toward him. [color=lime]"Hiiiii Zero-kun! Zenny!"[/color] Karn greeted before skidding to a stop in front of the dragon slayer, happily nudging his muzzle against the man's shoulder in greeting. [color=lime]"Decided to go look too?"[/color] he chirped, tilting his head.