[b]Engine Room[/b] Well, at least if they died right then, Connor could go knowing that he had been right about there being some sort of creature skulking in the shadows. It was little solace - or it would have been, if he had the time to even think about it - as he desperately did his best to alternate between fending off the creature and putting as much distance between it and him as possible. The most preferable option would have been to find a way to kill the damn thing, but firstly, Connor doubted he had the stomach for it and secondly, he did not even know if the thing would die like a human. "Engine room!" Connor shouted in the general direction of the horn, hoping whoever that was on the other side would be able to hear him. "We're in the fecking-" He was rudely interrupted when the creature made a swipe towards him, forcing Connor to back away even further. "We're in the fecking engine room!" The creature lunged for Connor once more, and in a panic, he backed away until his back touched the wall. Connor only wished he knew why the creature was so intent on chasing him, rather than the girl. She was the one who was unarmed, after all. It made more sense for the creature to attack her instead, but then again, Connor wondered if his and the creature's sense had anything in common. Keeping his eye on the creature, Connor used his free hand to search his surroundings for anything that he could use to, at the very least, spite the creature before he was torn to bits. His felt his hand grab onto what felt like dusty stones, but they would have to do. With a shout, he spun his body and put as much force into throwing a handful of the stuff - it looked like coal, he noted - at the creature. Connor had been aiming at the eyes, but given how large they were, he did not really need to be precise. Taking advantage of the creature's temporary blindness, pain or whatever that was causing it to reel, Connor ran past it. "Any help you can give would be sure as feckin' helpful right now, missy!" He said to the girl as he looked around for anything that could be used. There was a pistol-shaped object hanging from a wall behind a series of boilers, and immediately Connor knew that he was going to need that. The problem was that it meant he had to run past the creature again, and now he had nothing to work with. "We need that pistol," He said to the girl and gulped, his fear showing through.