A rather annoying predicament hand landed at Jake's feet as he looked round at the remaining SeeD's there was only two who were realistically reliable, but they already were a good team and there was no point in changing that. Jake gazed over the few support SeeD that had also made it to the compound before pointing to one of them. "you." "y-yes?" Jake grimaced at the staggered response as he grits his teeth and hisses softly. "...Never mind." Was all Jake said as he changed his mind almost instantly just based on that. He points out to another one of the support team. "You, don't speak. You're with me." The support support SeeD reluctantly listened as he heads over. "Now given the predicted patrol movements... we'll return through the back entrance of the compound and use the network of back streets and side alleys to return to base. Should we come into contact with the army I'll run interference, you head back to base." As the two of them headed back toward the back entrance Jake slid his jacket, what remained of it back on as he shoved the sliced remains of the sleeves into his pockets. The process of putting the jacket back on was a careful one as he kept his files neatly tucked away inside away from eye sight. Each room they passed proved worthy of a quick glancing once over for anything important. "What are you doing?" The support SeeD asked curious of Jake's continuous double checking. "Clearly I should of gone with the first SeeDling, this is my territory, I'll know if you've missed something." However despite trying to prove a point it became clear that the other SeeD's had done a good enough job. As they reached the back entrance Jake noticed that the wounded guard that he had left had attempted to leave before giving in to the loss of blood at the door. With a sigh the mercenary walked over and knelt before his fallen opponent. "May you find peace in your next life, I had hope that you'd contain the will to live..." With that said Jake pulled the body away from the door ignoring the support's small look of confusion. As the two exit the building Jake pulled the door to before grabbing his radio and changing the frequency. "May be helpful to listen in on these guys for a bit..." Jake stated as he flicked through searching for the channel the Galbadian's were on. "Remember SeeDling first sight of trouble you run for it... I'm sure I could convincingly pass you for a contact, if you're far enough away that is." The pair took a rather strange and lengthy route through the town with Jake leading the way. It would take them a while to return to base, but Jake was somewhat hopeful they wouldn't run into any soldiers, although it was almost inevitable that at least one group would.