Jericho snorts at Duncan's reply and finishes his search through the foot locker, finding nothing that would be considered intel by any stretch. [color=Gold]"Right,"[/color] he mutters, moving on to another one, [color=Gold]"Because throw away soldiers are going to be trusted with anything even remotely important."[/color] Finding a journal, Jericho opens it and skims the pages, finding mostly complaints about the Major's approach to training and drills, although one line in particular stood out to him. It briefly mentioned a muffled conversation between Wiggs and someone important sounding who gave the Major all his orders. The soldier mentioned it was over the phone line and that the only line he caught from the phone was something about a reward for doing well. [color=Gold][i]Not much, but maybe we can use this against Wiggs when he wakes up.[/i][/color] Stuffing the journal in a pouch, Jericho repeats the process with all the footlockers, but the only other notable thing he found was a collector's edition movie that he swiped to watch later. Not like the owner was going to miss it. Hearing Duncan call for the fall back to the base, he met up with Gracelyn and lead the way out into woods behind the base. The two had agreed to move through them until they found a road leading to the part of town the base was in and then follow that back to the building. [color=Gold]"So we're down two of the heavy hitters in the group. That figures. Could have been worse though."[/color]