Navi had never particularly cared for the Lost Woods. She didn't have anything against them but the light greens and pleasant aroma of the Kokiri Forest or the Sacred Meadow were much more appealing than the dark overcast trees. However that was long ago when the difference between them to her had been simply aesthetic. They'd bore her no ill will then and let her pass without incident, Navi was after all a denizen of the forest. A being that the trees were created to protect. Now it was different. Navi had the power to navigate these hostile paths but the trees were no longer content to let her pass. It seemed after her banishment the Deku Tree had informed them that she was fair game. The air in the woods felt as though it had dropped ten degrees from outside and Navi could have sworn she saw things just at the edge of her vision but when she turned to look they were gone. She could hear the Ancient Melody of the Forest as well, calling her from different fallen logs and trees stumps. Daring her to take a risk, see what was beyond the darkness, just to take a quick little peak. Navi shook her head doing her best to block out the sound. When it became too much she'd squeeze Link's hand just to remember that she wasn't alone in all of this. The trees seemed to be leering at her, whispering harsh things that she didn't quite understand. But no matter what they said, no matter what Navi heard she never led Link off the path, no matter what they had to get through these Woods intact. Navi made a left turn leading Link and Epona onward when something in the road made her stop short. It was a girl with golden blonde hair done up in two ponytails with a green band keeping it out of her eyes. She wore brown leather boots and a green tunic. She was a few inches shorter than Navi and didn't look any older though knowing just who this was Navi was aware that looks of age were hardly accurate. "Fado?" she asked the girl. It had been eons since Navi had laid eyes on this particular Kokiri. Fado had always been a little bit of a dreamer, spending more time in the Lost Woods than was healthy, she seemed to have a strange obsession with what happened to Hyleans that strayed into its bounds. Fado smiled wide, cocking her head to the side, sizing Navi up. Still with that unnerving smile on her face Fado began to speak. "That guy isn't here anymore but I suppose you found another one." The bottom dropped out of Navi's stomach, she knew who Fado was talking about. The Kokiri girl began to skip around there group singing the next thing she said like a nursery rhyme. "Anybody who comes into the forest will be lost." Her smile grew wider almost unreal. "Everybody will become a Stalfos. Everybody... Stalfos..." When Fado said the last word of her rhyme she snapped her fingers. The feeling in Navi's hand changed, she was no longer holding the flesh of a living being's hand but bone. She looked at Link only to scream in horror at seeing what he'd become. She tore her hand away from him looking at the skeleton knight that stood in his place. He wore vine covered armour with cracked rusted equipment, one of his eye sockets glowed red. Navi's eyes widened. At some point Fado had gotten behind the fairy girl for she whispered in her ear. "So he’s not here anymore." [i]"NAVI!"[/i] shouted the skeletal knight, his voice twisted by a lack of vocal cords. [i]"WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?!"[/i] Tears as blue as Navi's wings and just as radiant began to fall down her face. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. You weren't supposed to get hurt, I thought it was over between us. You had done what you needed to do. I thought... I thought you didn't need me anymore. I thought you'd be better off without me, you didn't need a guide anymore." [i]"BUT I NEEDED MY FRIEND! I'VE BEEN LOST HERE FOR SO LONG NAVI, COME GUIDE ME AGAIN!"[/i] as he said this the skeletal knight drew a dilapidated gold blade from his back and pointed the blade at Navi's heart. [i]"JOIN ME IN WHAT COMES AFTER!"[/i] Navi looked at the Hero's Shade for one long moment, shame painted her face before she turned and ran in the opposite direction. Not sure if it was the right one. Only knowing in her heart that she could never do anything but run from her greatest failure. "Forgive me Link, I've failed you." she whispered to the trees. When Navi was a good distance away from the skeletal knight she curled up against a tree. There Fado appeared again at her side and whispered in her ear, laughing at Navi's plight. "Heh heh heh. Are you going to be lost... too? Heh heh!" The Kokiri girl's laughter echoed into the night.