Athena noticed the elf patrolling the beach and gave her a nod as she walked by into the forest, the Minotaurs were nice to the mermaids but always very stern which was all fine and dandy but Athena didn't like their loud voices, it scared her somewhat. She found their village and walked up to one of them cautiously. "Excuse M-me?" She stuttered and waved her hand nervously Dawn Smiled at Ahab "Wouldn't think of leaving our muscle behind" She said and gave him a wink, though she just liked to play with the mens emotions, she never really wanted to begin a relationship. Her eyes were set on gold and bountiful treasure, she was detremind to get it. She saw the shiny thing on the b each and smirked "Remember lads, if they come to us hostile then we will become hostile NOT until then got it?" She said and really didn't want an all out war, although it would be fun to study the creatures on this island if their were any. Nix had fallen from the tree and skinned up her knee though she didn't mind but if she had wings then maybe things would be different, she was learning how to use magic for her own selfish needs, and soon maybe she'd find a spell that made her have wings, Beautiful large wings that fit her body-shape well and sparkled like wintery snow.